The bunker escape challenge is centered around an old, decrepit barn located near the abandoned home. Beneath it lay a secret passageway leading to an underground bunker, where you would need to collect 45 eerie, star-like objects scattered about without any pattern. But if even one was missed, escape would be impossible. Can you collect all 45-star artifacts in order to activate the portal that will lead to freedom?
Max and Eleven BFF Strange DressUp
Grand Extreme Racing
Robo Parkour Craft
Street Rush - Running Game
Battle Chess: Puzzle
Spongebob Coin Adventure
Simple puzzle
Hulk 3D Game
Guess Who Multiplayer
4GameGround - Kittens Coloring
Colour Chain
Hunter Steve
Julia Food Truck
My Pony : My Little Race
Noob Run
Hydro Racing 3D
ASMR Makeover Beauty Salon
Ban Ban Parkour
Anime Manga Coloring Book - Art Game
Pomni Circus Ball Rush
Lava and Aqua
Zombie Day
Street Racer Online Game
Fashion Celebrity Dress Up Game 1
Poppy Infinity Trail
Cave Worker Steve
Fruits Master
Candy Ice Cream Crush